Education is one of the pillars of society, and the spreading of information is key to understanding. However, teaching is one thing, and learning is quite another. ADPP has long recognized the importance of learning, of placing students and participants of all kinds at the centre, and finding ways of encouraging and motivating, of developing a desire to investigate and discover, to seek answers and solutions, and to become life-long learners.
ADPP Teacher Training Schools produce highly capable primary school teachers and community leaders, ADPP Polytechnics equip young people with relevant academic, personal and technical skills and Frontline Institute, trains future project leaders. Literacy is a constant at ADPP projects: at Farmers’ Clubs, Female Entrepreneur programmes, emergency programmes as in Lóvua refugee settlement, or in broader integrated development projects. Vocational training is also a common thread in ADPP’s work, whether specific courses such as tailoring at Women in Action projects or supplementary skills for farmers at Calandula Agricultural Centre.
O Lorem Ipsum tem vindo a ser o texto padrão usado por estas indústrias desde o ano de 1500, quando uma misturou os caracteres de um texto para criar um espécime de livro. Este texto não só sobreviveu 5 séculos, mas também o salto para a tipografia electrónica, mantendo-se essencialmente inalterada. Foi popularizada nos anos 60 com a disponibilização das folhas de Letraset, que continham passagens com Lorem Ipsum, e mais recentemente com os programas de publicação como o Aldus PageMaker que incluem versões do Lorem Ipsum.
At the peak of activities in 2020, there were 10 preschools with 1,107 children, four primary schools with 3,400 children and adult education reaching 1,690 young people and adults. ADPP staff, state appointed teachers and final year students from ADPP Teacher Training Schools as well as teachers recruited from the camp itself ran the various projects.
Strengthening Municipal Education Systems to Ensure...
Strengthening Municipal Education Systems to Ensure Quality Education for All Children may be a...
Free Primary and Secondary Education
Equal Access to Quality Pre-Primary Education
Equal Access to Affordable Technical, Vocational and Higher Education
Increase the Number of People with Relevant Skills for Financial Success
No Discrimination in Education
Universal Literacy and Numeracy
Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship
Build and upgrade inclusive and safe schools