A ADPP – Agência de Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povo tem em carteira um projecto que visa a formação de professores do ensino primário para as comunidades rurais.

O referido projecto arranca no primeiro trimestre de 2023, no município de Lucala, província do Cuanza-Norte.

Segundo a presidente do Conselho de Administração da ADPP em Angola, Rikke Viholm, o projecto terá grande impacto nas comunidades locais, pelo facto de aglutinar, na sua essência, a valências docentes e tecnológicas, a serem  transmitidas aos professores do meio rural.

Acrescentou que o programa prevê a formação de jovens das províncias do Cuanza-Norte, Uíge e Malanje.

Referiu que o projecto será financiado pela Embaixada da Coreia do Sul em Angola. 

Acrescentou que a colaboração da ADDP e a Agência de Cooperação da Coreia do Sul (Koica), a nível do Cuanza-Norte, dura desde 2009, com a implementação do Centro Educacional de Lucala, que visa a formação de formadores de professores, além da vertente técnico-profissional.

Sublinhou que a criação do referido projecto marca a terceira fase da parceria entre as duas instituições, com o propósito de melhorar a educação a nível das comunidades rurais em Angola.

Fez saber que a colaboração entre o Ministério da Educação e a ADPP existe há 26 anos e permitiu a formação de 14.700 professores de nível médio, preparados para ensinar no meio rural. Acrescentou que a nível do país existem 14 escolas da ADPP de formação de professores, instaladas em 15 províncias.

Salientou que, no Cuanza-Norte, a ADPP controla um projecto de alfabetização, entre os municípios de Lucala e Cazengo, onde estão inclídos 1.500 formandos, com maior destaque para a participação de mulheres, que, também, recebem formação sobre técnicas agrárias, visando a promoção do género e sua inclusão social.

"O objectivo é garantir que as mulheres tenham acesso ao ensino, terras para o cultivo, além do seu pleno exercício de cidadania e abertura de contas bancárias”, disse.

Frisou que as mulheres que participam do projecto estão a aprender técnicas para a construção de fogões de lenha, onde podem usar menos paus, mas com grande eficácia na cozedura dos alimentos. 

Apoio da Coreia do Sul

A Embaixada da Coreia do Sul em Angola tem disponíveis seis milhões de dólares para financiar o projecto de formação de  professores do ensino primário no meio rural.

A informação foi tornada pública, quinta-feira, pelo primeiro secretário e chefe da Secção Política e Económica da Embaixada da Coreia do Sul em Angola, Hyung Kwon Jung, que está em Ndalatando para avaliar o local onde será implementado o projecto.

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Deu a conhecer que a formação será ministrada no Centro Educacional de Lucala, tutelado pela ONG Ajuda de Desenvolvimento de Povo Para Povo (ADPP), tendo avançado que o projecto vai durar cinco anos.

 Segundo Hyung Kwon Jung, o principal objectivo é garantir formação técnico-pedagógica aos professores do ensino primário em comunidades rurais, com direito a treinamento para o manuseio de aparelhos electrónicos, de forma a garantirem formações com qualidade.

Hyung Kwon Jung fez saber que o seu Governo possui boas relações com o Executivo angolano, facto que permitiu o financiamento de outras acções, como o projecto de modernização da segurança pública e criação do Centro Industrial de Tecnologia Avançada, em Luanda, bem como a revitalização da cidade do Sumbe, avaliados em cerca de 200 milhões de dólares.


Article on Jornal de Angola, 08.12.2022
The United States of America, in partnership with the Provincial Government of Benguela and the Ministry of Education, launched two new social projects in Baía Farta, namely Communities in Action for Peace and Inclusion (CAPI) and the Strengthening of Municipal Education Systems in Angola.

The projects will support the decentralization of social services with a focus on the education sector and the promotion of building communities and skills in resolving conflicts among young Angolans. The project also aims to improve the position of women in their communities, starting with support in obtaining civil registration documents, such as an Identity Card, and in eliminating gender-based domestic violence against women and girls.

Funding for the two projects implemented by the NGO APP Angola totals US$3 million for a period of five years.

The CAPI project in 45 communities in the three municipalities of Cubal, Balombo and Ganda will benefit from support for working with high-risk populations in promoting peace and social inclusion through conflict resolution.

Read the article in Portuguese here:



Article on Angop, Cunene, 9 December 2022

Ondjiva - The deputy coordinator of the Human Rights Committee in Cunene province, Sara Tulikeni, called this Friday for people to denounce violations of human rights. Speaking to ANGOP about the International Day for the Defence of Human Rights, she said that denouncements are the best way to end impunity.

She explained that during the current year the committee registered only five cases of denunciation, of which two were homicides, two suspicions of human trafficking and one of physical aggression. She clarified that the homicides were committed by relatives of the victims, while the trafficking involved 24 young people transported from Cuvelai supposedly to work in a quarry and sawmill in Luanda, and a further 23 young people trafficked to Namibia. She said that thanks to the denunciations, the defence and security forces were able to carry out a rapid intervention. 

She explained that the number of complaints does not reflect the cases of violations practiced in the region.   “Many of the cases do not reach us and when we do hear about them, it is already too late, but for those that do reach us, we have been working with the relevant bodies to be able to hold the perpetrators accountable.” she said.

She admitted that many citizens do not know about the existence of this institution, which is why they are working on its promotion and dissemination. “The committee was created recently and more education and awareness actions are required in the communities, so that people develop the habit of reporting cases of violation. She said that the region has a provincial committee and six municipal committees, intending to take over the communal committees by 2023.

Students at ADPP Cunene Teaching Training School in Oifidi learned about the dignity of the human being, according to the universal declaration of human rights. The opening talk on the day to mark the 74th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights was aimed at raising awareness among the students about the need for prevention, safeguarding and promoting human rights. Speaker Neto Braga Tchipungo said that the action was aimed at promoting human rights, so that students have a body of knowledge on the subject. “The objective is to explain the basic notions of what a human being is, as a member of society and that in the event of violations they do not remain silent but help communities to denounce these practices. In the same vein, staff from the municipal command of the National Police of Cuanhama addressed aspects of “the right to affiliation as human rights.”.

The program also included a consultation visit to the inmates of the Peu Peu prison and a radio debate on the right to image and presumption of innocence.

International Human Rights Day was established by the United Nations on December 4, 1950, in order to celebrate the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on December 10, 1948.

Read the article in Portuguese here:


Skærmbillede 2022 12 16 kl. 10.00.13


Article on Angop,  Cuanza Norte, 3 November 2022

Ndalatando – A new professional training project and training for teachers in rural areas will begin to be implemented from 2023, in the municipality of Lucala, within the framework of cooperation between the agencies of Development Aid from People to People (ADPP) and the International Cooperation of South Korea (KOICA).

The innovative project includes distance training using Information and Communication Technologies, according to the chairperson of the Board of Directors of ADPP, Rikke Viholm, as part of a working visit today to the province. The project, which begins in Cuanza Norte province, will also cover Malanje and Úige. It is valued at six million US dollars and will be implemented over five years. KOICA has been collaborating with ADDP on the training of teachers and on professional technical training since 2009.

The first secretary and head of the Political and Economic Section of the Embassy of South Korea in Angola, Hyung Kwon Jung, explained that his country is an expert in the field of e-training and intends to share the experience with Angola. He added that KOICA cooperates with several African countries and in Angola it has already invested around US$200 billion in various projects, such as Innovation in Public Security, and Industrial Advanced Technology, in Luanda, as well as the modernization of the city from Sumbe.

ADPP has been cooperating with the Ministry of Education for 26 years and has trained 14,700 teachers for rural areas. Currently, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, it has 15 schools in 14 provinces. The organization also operates in the sector of literacy and empowerment of women in rural areas, which includes citizenship, financial inclusion and inclusion in the formal economy, and in the environmental sector, working towards the sustainable use of forest resources.

ADPP is an Angolan NGO. It was founded in 1986 and officially registered with the Ministry of Justice in 1992. It currently implements development projects in 17 provinces in the areas of education, health, community development, agriculture and others.

Before leaving for the municipality of Lucala, the delegation held a courtesy meeting, in the city of Ndalatando, with the acting governor of the province of Cuanza Norte, Mendonça Luís.

Read the article in Portuguese here:


Skærmbillede 2022 12 16 kl. 10.06.12


JICA, the Japanese International Agency for Cooperation in Angola, attached to the Japanese embassy, invited participants in the Updating Course on Education and Initial Training of Primary School Teachers - Japan's knowledge co-creation program, held from 17 August to 19 September.
The training that took place through the Faculty of Education at Hirosaki University was conducted with Modules on:
• The history of education in Japan and its system today
• Teacher Teacher Training (Initial and Continuing) in Japan
• Special education in the approach to inclusive education
• Career Management for Teachers
• Management of school centers
• Experiences from participating countries
At the end of the course, a network was established of participants who will take on thhe responsibility of implementation of the action plans presented here.
In this context, upon arriving in Angola, Walter Alexandre held a presentation organized by the INFQ with the aim of sharing such experiences based on initial and continuing training of primary school teachers. All the teaching schools in the country participated, in addition to technicians from INFQ, MED and a guest from JICA Angola.
At the moment, in Cuando Cubango, Missombo commune, arrangements are being made for the implementation of the action plan that will translate into working in a primary school with the intention of suggesting a different daily dynamic for both pupils and teachers, such as, for example, entering the 8 am and leave at 4 pm with a program full of activities that captivate children.