covid 19 community mobiliazationAll APP projects throughout Angola have been collaborating with local, municipal, provincial and state authorities in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus that causes Covid-19. Women in Action programmes, based on sewing and dressmaking, made and distributed face masks. Farmers’ Clubs maintained production to ensure fresh food and staples while respecting social distancing and hygiene advice. Frontline Institute campaigned to raise awareness about the pandemic and installed community as well as household tippy taps. Health projects from Malaria Control in Uíge, Zaire and Malanje to HIV Prevention in six provinces mobilised communities, informing about social distancing and hygiene and installing tippy taps. The Integrated Community Project in Huíla and Namibe, and the Fishing Communities project in Bengo, Luanda, Cuanza Norte and Malanje did the same to ensure safety measures were adopted by everyone. ADPP schools played their part, in addition to organising learning at a distance for all their students during the period of confinement. ADPP Polytechnics provided students with instructions on and encouragment to install tippy taps and make Covid-19 posters. ADPP Teacher Training Schools mobilised communities on the pandemic and TTS ADPP Luanda provided lessons and activities for children of homeless families. All projects continue to raise awareness, mobilise and implement practical solutions to assist communities while maintaining, to the extent possible, their planned activities.

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