WiA Benguela made 418 face masks in W 20 500x333The Women in Action project in Benguela, financed by Sympany, got in touch with the Provincial Department of Health to request authorisation for and monitoring of the distribution of face masks, more than 1230 of which had been produced by project participants and tutors. The Department of Health offered its full support, and activists from the Girls’ Club project, financed by UNDP, helped hand out the face masks in the districts of Kalomburaco, Mina, Asseque, Camunda. Docota, Jingolote, Navegantes, 11 de Novembro and Goa. The activists used the opportunity to pass on messages about the transmission of Covid-19, and they explained what measures the families could take to protect themselves.

Dr Brito, Director of Benguela Municipal Health Department, paid a surprise visit on 30 April to Teacher Training School ADPP Benguela, asking whether the school would be willing to supply or make face masks. In collaboration with the Women in Action project, the school was able to provide some masks which were already in stock, and agreed that the Municipal Director would provide more material to be sewn, and the project produced the mask. The masks are being distributed among the Municipal Health personnel.