550 students in 19 mobile classrooms travelling through Southern Africa


In 2013, the program at the EPF schools has been remodelled and extended. As always, the program is exciting and courageous, with the idea to produce the best teachers possible for primary schools in rural areas.

The EPF education lasts three years and is designed to produce another kind of teacher. That is, a teacher who is well prepared academically, practically and personally to give children in rural areas a good education. A teacher who knows how to make sure that their pupils learn and grow up as young people who are willing and able to contribute to development. Such teachers also see themselves as community leaders, providing education for all, standing shoulder to shoulder with the poor to create development.

 ADPP Angola - Education - teachers education and training Education-Angola-EPF-Ready-to-go  Education-Angola-teachers training 


The new EPF program is divided into 19 periods over the three years. The first period of four months consists of theoretical and practical preparations for a four month bus trip through Southern Africa. The second period is called Bussing Our Continent. On the 1st of April, 550 trainee teachers left Angola in 19 busses, fully equipped with e-book readers, tents, cooking equipment and everything necessary for studying and living life on the road. On the 1st of August, a further 500 trainees will undertake their trip. The idea is to carry out investigations, gain experiences, learn about life and development, understand the world better. Along the way, they also learn a lot about themselves and about working together with others. When they come back, they have a different perspective on life and on what is possible. They are ready for the next two years of their education, where they learn to be another kind of teacher, in theory and in practice.   


 Education-angola Education- Angola-heading-out-for-investigation Minister-of-Education-angola-visiting-the-busses